Ways to spend your June banker

Ways to spend your June banker

The weather is meant to be mild and pleasant as June is seen as the start of summer. People tend to go to concerts, go on walks, go on short...
June 01, 2022 — Al Xander Lopez
Benefits of investing in high quality garden furniture

Benefits of investing in high quality garden furniture

When purchasing garden furniture it is important to take utmost time and care as if you were purchasing furniture for inside your home. In fact, when it comes to selecting...
May 29, 2022 — Al Xander Lopez
Getting the garden summer ready!

Getting the garden summer ready!

It is finally one of the nicest times of the year where kids are out of school and the sun is shining outside. No better way to make the most...
May 14, 2022 — Al Xander Lopez
Brown Outdoor furniture

Brown Outdoor furniture

In recent times, there has been a growing popularity for grey and black garden furniture to provide a minimalistic aesthetic in outdoor spaces but brown garden furniture is still a...
May 14, 2022 — Al Xander Lopez
What to do in the garden in June

What to do in the garden in June

June is a summer month and is named after the Greek goddess of youth Juno. It is the sixth month of the year and has the summer solstice which is...
May 02, 2022 — Al Xander Lopez
Why NOW is the perfect time to buy your garden furniture !

Why NOW is the perfect time to buy your garden furniture !

Wonderful weather is the best time to get out and see what changes, upgrades and improvements to your outdoor space. We have put together all the top secrets about the...
April 29, 2022 — Al Xander Lopez
Sustainable gardening – ideas for an eco friendly space

Sustainable gardening – ideas for an eco friendly space

This is a buzz word that is extremely important in our world today especially for environmental quality. Practicing sustainability improves our life quality, protects our environment and animals in it...
April 22, 2022 — Al Xander Lopez
Garden trends 2022

Garden trends 2022

We are currently getting a taste of the good sunny weather which makes us anticipate the summer. In the last few years, our outdoor spaces have become more important as...
April 19, 2022 — Al Xander Lopez
Urban Gardening

Urban Gardening

Urban gardening dates back to ancient Egypt when local people used their waste to farm in urban cities. It was then used after to combat food shortages. With many people...
April 19, 2022 — Al Xander Lopez
Fun activities to do during the Easter break

Fun activities to do during the Easter break

As the weather is starting to pick up at this time of the year, this is the best time to see family and friends during the well deserved break. Outdoor...
April 16, 2022 — Al Xander Lopez
Ways to welcome warmer weather

Ways to welcome warmer weather

The first thing people love about spring is that it is warmer, brighter and has more sunshine so people can spend more time outside. Here are a few ideas to...
April 15, 2022 — Al Xander Lopez
What to do in the garden in April

What to do in the garden in April

April is a month filled with surprises and is named after the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite. It’s the fourth month of the year and starts us off with April...
April 02, 2022 — Al Xander Lopez