Winter care for house plants
At this time of the year, temperatures have dropped and there are low levels of light. It is important to let your plants have a break during the winter season. Here are some tips to help keep your plants in the best condition over the season:
This is necessary for plants and plant parents during this season as the days are so short so it is hard to get light. Homes in the winter do not get as much light as they do in the summer, while some house receive light from certain areas or windows. You might have to move your plants to certain areas in order to get some light. It is helpful to make sure that the windows are clean inside and outside to gain the maximum amount of light.
People usually overwater their plants in the winter as they only test the top of the soil when they need to test more. Different plants might need to be dried out before being watered again. As the air gets drier in the winter, people often purchase humidifier to counteract this dry air as this can minimise the amount of watering the plant needs.
Some houseplants come from various area of the world such as West Africa and South America and are used to warm and humid temperatures. Some of these plants are sensitive to temperature and need to be accommodated in the home. Most tropical plants are used to temperatures of 15 – 30 degrees Celsius but this could also vary depending on the type of plant.
Repotting and pests
Some plants may need to be repotted and pruned at this time of the year. Succulents do not need to be repotted. Plants need to be watched closely as the lack of sunlight, increased humidity and indoor heat in the home can attract pests. These pests need to be eliminated as they can kill your plant.