Three reasons to eat Organic Vegetables
There are many reasons to eat Organic but here are a couple of good points.
1. No pesticides or chemicals
Organic produce is free from chemicals. Intensive horticulture looks to sidestep issues such as pests, shelf life and seasonality through the addition of chemicals which can be damaging to humans. Organic vegetables are free from all sorts of crazy additives. It is hard to tell what is in a commercial vegetable just by looking at it but it is easy to trust an organic vegetable.
2. Better Flavour
Again intensive horticulture can mean vegetables are grown faster and matured faster so they may look great but the flavour is missing. Organic vegetables may look funny and lack the perfect gloss we expect in supermarket shelves – but they taste so much better.
3. More nutrients
Allowing vegetables to mature naturally and with organic fertilizer means more nutrients. People who eat organic find many natural benefits including lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
Our Organic Supplier Dennis Healy in Kildavin is sowing seedlings for a range of truly wonderful organic vegetables. All of them will be very tasty. Some are quite strange. Some of them you may never heard of before. Let’s take a run through some of them to give you an idea of the beauty and diversity in the vegetable world.
Asparagus – we know all about this vegetable. Spring is here when asparagus arrives. Best practice is to eat while young as the shoots can turn woody. Chefs tend not to cut the shoot with a knife but break it in their hands so that the spear snaps naturally.
Peas – as the famous advertisement goes – Fresh as when the pod goes pop! Peas are sweetest straight from the garden, and are fabulous in soups, salads and smoothies. We can’t wait to figure out what great dishes we shall invent with the latest, freshest peas.
Beetroots – we’ve written about the colourful beetroot before. It’s a fabulous superfood with strong medicinal features, primarily for disorders of the liver as they help to stimulate the liver’s detoxification processes. The plant pigment that gives beetroot its rich, purple-crimson colour is betacyanin; a powerful agent, thought to suppress the development of some types of cancer.
Denis is growing all kinds of beetroots. We are expecting baby beetroots, yellow beetroots, normal beetroots, long beetroots and even Chioggia beetroot.
Just what is Chioggnia beetroot? The Chioggia beet (pronounced kee-OH-gee-uh), also known as the candy cane or candy stripe beet, hails from Northern Italy and became popular in the 19th century. It’s most notable for its striking deep pink and white spirals, and the beet adds a beautiful pop of colour to salads and soups.
Chioggnia is a very sweet beetroot and doesn’t ‘bleed’ as much as regular beetroots which also makes it easier to prepare.
So, come to our restaurant and see what fabulous dishes we are preparing with the freshest of local organic produce.