Little Bo Peep
We ran a fun Little Bo Peep train in February to coincide with the school half term break. We find that parents and friends of Rathwood really enjoy coming to our centre when there is a train option. We know it can be hard to amuse younger children over the holidays especially so early in the year when the weather can be very mixed.
We came up with the idea of Little Bo Peep looking for her lost sheep which we felt was very fitting for Spring. We have new grounds at Rathwood and new houses buried deep in the woods so that means we can create even more fun activities and games to keep the children – and parents - amused for an hour.
After that, the family can retire to the restaurant to get their cup cakes as a reward. Or have a full lunch if the train time allows. Often the family may finish off their day with the children playing in the playground and mum and dad enjoying a nice cup of coffee before pottering amongst the furniture, plants or giftware before they return home.
We had some keen bloggers visit Rathwood with their families recently and one, Kellie from MyLittlebabog,com brought her two children. They had a great day.
Kellie wrote:
I loved how engaging Little Bo Peep was with all of the children calling each of them by their first names too (name labels are given to each child before they jumping on board) and she shared her time between each carriage throughout the duration of the journey.
And you can read the rest of her blog with her pictures on her BLOG
Another blogger Lorraine from Lorraine's World said she was laughing to find herself chasing sheep with her kids – such are the joys of motherhood. Her little one really enjoyed the trip.
It was all go go go:
Throughout the train Journey the kids are encouraged to keep an eye out for the rogue lamb , we passed the deer enclosure , over little bridges and magical wood land all the while shouting Seamus ! Seamus is the lamb …. we were not shouting out random names The train makes a little pit stop at all of Seamus’ favourite hangouts like the Fairy Forest , the lamb shed and Goose Island . At the Lamb Shed we all get out to look for Seamus and get an up close look at some newly born lambs … which to be fair are very cute ! I would have liked if the kids had gotten to spend a little more time here as it was slightly rushed . At each stop Little Bo Peep picked up some fluffy lamb teddies which each child got to take home … they were a huge hit in our car on the way home and were slept with last night !
And at the end, Lorraine wrote : I would highly recommend the Rathwood train events if you are staying in Carlow or the surrounding areas as it would be a lovely event to incorporate into your weekend away
Why not try out our fabulous Easter Train - which is running from April 8 until April 16. See you there.