Everyone loves a striking plant pot to jazz up their indoor or outdoor space. It is also important to note while we are caring for these plants it is beneficial to care about their living space and our environment. At Rathwood, we have the first ever plant pot that has a CO2 neutral label from a European based company called Capi.

Capi focuses on creating sustainable and climate neutral products that feature a double walled layer of insulation which helps to protect your plant child’s roots. This feature makes these pots suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Capi uses a signature colour of orange as well as making their products extremely light. This is especially handy for when you want to move your plant pot around or need to repot.

These plant pots are beautiful and environmentally friendly and the best part is that they are exclusive to Rathwood. Order your first Capi Flower pot today!

May 09, 2021 — Al Xander Lopez

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